©Kirton News 2025

April 2012

So, by the time you read this it will, officially, be Spring. Hurrah! And the Church clock will be showing the right time again.

There’s plenty in this month’s mag for your delight and delectation. There’s evidence of lots of stuff happening to celebrate the Jubilee. I hope you’ll all be giving whatever support you can to the events.

There’s a great piece from our new Sports Reporter, Shaun Thompson; news of our youth performing well (Kirton Colts) and one of our more mature citizens (well, from Boston, anyway) doing wonderful, continuing work for charity abroad. And lots more besides. But a couple of things need to be said.

Firstly, a friend of mine has asked me to pose a ‘sort-of’ question. On Sunday March 11th we awoke to a glorious, sunny, Summer-like day. At lunchtime my friend was approached by a young couple with two small children. They had (have) recently moved to the village and were keen to enjoy the day - and a pic-nic,- with their offspring. They asked of my friend if she knew a local play area and were directed to Grave’s Park.

They were spotted again in the Village less than an hour later, saw my friend and informed her that the play area was fenced off and the gates locked.

So, to who it may concern, will the area be made more accessible in the future? Are there set opening hours? Is there a staffing problem the public might help to help with? If opening times, etc. need to be published we’d be happy to include them in “The News”. Similarly, if it’s volunteers needed to ‘police’ the park or oversee the play area perhaps we can pass on the information through this organ.
Would anyone care to respond? You know the channels.

Talking of responses, the second ‘bit’ concerns the short story (Swimagon) published in the March issue.
Mandy Louise “W” (surname supplied) of Hardwick estate. Sorry you were offended. You described the article as “soft porn” and were certain I would receive a barrage of complaints; you were mistaken. Yours was the only comment. Perhaps you have a higher moral ceiling than most of us.
I myself found nothing worth questioning. It may have been a little saucy in parts, but no more than the average “Carry On” innuendo.

I certainly don’t regret its publication, but sorry again to you Mandy - though, at least you had the chutzpah to ‘sign’ yourself; well done for that. Perhaps you’d like to pen something of your own sometime for our entertainment?

All contributions gratefully received! I hope you ALL enjoy this month’s little effort.
Read on....


Kirton Middlecott Sports Centre
- for a better you!

Tucked away behind Middlecott Secondary School (though independent of it) is the Village’s very own sports, exercise and leisure facility. Many of you will know it’s there, quite a few may not; but I’ll bet most of you don’t know about what goes on inside - or outside, for that matter.

They often like to advertise themselves by showing beautiful, young, healthy people who look as though they are immortal; and the last thing they appear to need is to lose weight or exercise any more! But all of us - no matter what age or physical condition - could benefit from a little “attention”. If we were really honest.

I can GUARANTEE, it will definitely not make any of us immortal, but it could make us all feel just a little better about ourselves. And Kirton Middlecott Sports Centre is the perfect place to start your ‘journey’ to a better ‘You’. The highly trained staff are friendly and approachable, and their aim is to help you create, and ensure you meet your health and fitness goals.

As a member (costing from as little as £20 per month) you can take advantage of all the facilities on offer:- The Fitness Suite: a variety of cardiovascular machines, free weights, cycles, benches and mats. Exercise Classes: for all ages and fitness levels.
The Sports Hall: for Volleyball, Netball, 5-a-side, Badminton, Short Tennis and Cricket Nets.

A flood-lit multi-games area. Sports field, Dance Studio and Conference Room.
On joining you are offered a free health and life-style consultation which is used as the base from which to write your excercise plan and help you to get where you want to be.
Free follow-up consultations and re-assessments ensure you’ll keep motivated, and progressive programme changes mean you can extend your goals if you feel the need. The individual is always in charge!

Outside of the membership scheme the Centre also welcomes children’s birthday parties and will take all the pressure (and the mess) out of the organization. Stress-free Birthdays! How about that!

There’s so much more going on down Edinburgh Drive. Much more than we can list here. So why not pop down and take a look for yourself?
The Centre is open from 9am each day (10am on Sundays) and the staff are happy to have a chat and show you more. There’s full disabled access and facilities; you don’t even have to join straight away to try it out. There’s a £6 charge for a one-off visit to the gym, and a £4 charge for individual classes. Even full membership is not a long-term commitment as it’s charged on a monthly rolling contract basis, so your not hooked in to anything.

The Winter blues are banished. With Spring lately upon us, even a little gentle exercise would make all of us feel brighter, healthier, and help us enjoy life just a little bit more.
Even April isn’t too late to make one final New Year Resolution. Get yourself down to Kirton Middlecott Sports Centre on Edinburgh Drive. If you want to chat first or have any other queries, call them on 01205 725435. The staff are waiting to help make ‘you’ a better “You”!


Hearing Help. . . .

You know the old saying that goes, ‘you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone’? Well, that applies to hearing as well as anything else. When someone starts to lose their hearing it can be so gradual that they are not aware of it. Until one day, in the pub or club or where there is a lot of background noise, it is almost impossible to hear anything because all the sounds are rolled into one.

And gradually someone’s behaviour changes. No, they don’t want to go to Beryl and Fred’s 40th wedding anniversary party. And no, they don’t want to join in the conversation. To the untrained observer they appear introverted, unsociable, a grumpy so-and-so. But to those in the know their behaviour is all too clear: they are finding it difficult to hear well and don’t want to put themselves in situations where they are not able to join in.

Some people think that hearing doesn’t matter. Well, it’s not like eyesight is it? If you can’t see that must be really terrible. But there are those who think differently. They think that to live in an increasingly silent world is the equivalent of being put in an isolation chamber.
A change in hearing ability can happen for a number of reasons: time spent in noisy environments - both in and out of the workplace – certain medications, a wax blockage, a hobby, e.g clay pigeon shooting without wearing hearing protection, and the ageing process.

If you, or someone you know, has been putting off having a hearing check because of vanity, cost implications, or a recognition of getting older, there has never been a better time to take advantage of what is available on the market today.

Today’s hearing aids are smarter, smaller, and much more stylish than their predecessors. Why wouldn’t anyone want to hear better with one – or two – so they can join in fully with what life has to offer.

Hearing Help, a specialist hearing care practice which offers hearing care at the Kirton Medical Centre on Thursdays, is offering FREE hearing consultations for appointments made during May. So don’t hesitate any longer. Book now by phoning 01522 686114.
If you have a question about any hearing related matter, please contact 01522 686114 to speak to our hearing aid audiologist or email admin@hearinghouse.co.uk


What Granny used to say

Spring is nearly here – which makes you want to ‘spring clean’ your house ready for the days ahead?

The idea of spring cleaning is years old but to me it means a bit of time and effort spent on your house now means lots of sitting outside in the sunshine with a cuppa tea later – because you already have an amazingly clean house! (My excuse anyway).

If those ‘crayon-toting angels’ of yours get creative and draw some fancy art on your walls – don’t worry. Grab some good old fashioned toothpaste, a rag or brush and dab a little paste on the offending marks and rub. The abrasive in the toothpaste removes the marks and a rinse with water will remove all traces.

I know I ‘harp on’ about the advantages of toothpaste – I expect it is the cupboards full of tubes I bought as bargains before I had false teeth fitted and I have to find something to use them for.

Which reminds me – if you have small holes or cracks in your walls – just a little white toothpaste will fill them up and left to dry you can e easily painted over.
And how annoying is it when you can’t quite get that last bit of toothpaste out of the tube?
Well ‘Granny’ has a solution for that too!

Place the tube in warm water for a few minutes, this will soften the tube and paste then lay it on the sink top and push the soft toothpaste out of the nozzle with the handle of your brush. I promise – no more toothpaste next time!


Care Home Project India

We last heard from Maureen in 2010 (Kirton News, September, October and November). This two part story follows the continuing work of this tireless individual.

On the 5th of January 2012 I returned to India for the 7th time. My daughter Laura accompanied me. We arrived at 3.30am in a heavy mist at Bangalore Airport and even though it was early we were aware of the very warm moist air as we stepped outside. As the taxi left the airport we passed the shanty shacks of the poor with people just beginning their day. At the road junction some children were begging. This is real! Life is not good for everyone in India, especially the poor.

Our visit had duel purposes – one to carry on the work of the Care Home Project India, the charity that cares for little children, who are victims of the AIDS/HIV virus in India. The second was to attend the wedding of my sponsor daughter Stella. I first met Stella when she was 9 years old, and her brother Johnson who was aged 4, while visiting an orphanage in Bangalore back in 2000 They were very sad, thin, frightened and dirty children.

Their mother had died 10 days earlier in appalling conditions of poverty. Stella who had never been to school, had been caring for her father and brother only to discover her father’s body floating in the well. These two traumatised petrified children just stood there holding hands. My heart went out to them as any mother’s, indeed any decent human beings, would, witnessing such a scene. I asked the Mother Superior to please keep these children together or at the very least in close contact. I told her I would pay towards their care and education out of my own pocket.

Over the years that I have been going to India, these children, the Sisters running the orphanage and myself formed special bonds of love. I have even stayed at the orphanage over the years, sharing space and times with these two special children, enabling our love and friendship to grow. My own daughter Laura has also embraced the two siblings with love.

During all these years we shared letters, photographs and many special times. As Stella reached her maturity it was time for her to have a husband. An arranged marriage! This is the custom in India. I personally would have liked her to have found her own husband when she had worked for a few years. However Indian culture decrees a suitable match has to be found. I need not have worried; the young man was obviously a kind, gentle individual who had picked Stella for his wife after she started work for his parents.

Although they live in a very rural part of South India – Hassan - every person in the village worked hard for a living; tilling the soil, growing vegetables, keeping chickens and goats. They all had dignity and were proud of their achievements. I saw Stella would have a good life and would never have to go back into the awful slums of India. It is also a home base for her brother Johnson when he finishes College.

I feel a sense of satisfaction that two, out of the millions of orphans, have had a chance in life, within their own culture. My gratitude goes to the Franciscan Sisters who rescue, care and educate the vulnerable children who have no one else to turn to.

Stella and Johnson have been my own personal charity, one which I have funded from my own pocket. This is totally independent of the 12 years I have been fund-raising for the Care Home Project India of which I am still a champion.

The Care home has now grown to offer 5 stations of care for the very poor who suffer this modern disease (AIDS/HIV). Mothers their babies and children can get the help they need. Two are in Bangalore, one each in Kollegal, Cochin and Trivandrum. These beacons are proving successful special units of shelter, for the defenceless vulnerable young women, some of whom have severe learning difficulties.

Although this care is unique, and still, at present, in the minority, the results are tremendous. The children are getting nutritious cereal and vitamins. Parents are getting medication and counselling support to come to terms with the enormity of the disease.

Kirton Sports News

Sport in School

Children from Kirton Primary did the school proud when they were invited to Middlecott School to take part in a hockey tournament.The tournament included teams from Wyberton and two teams from Tower Road. After drawing their first game 4 – 4 with Tower Road A, Kirton were handed a defeat 3 -1 by Wyberton.

In the final match Kirton played Tower Road b and won 4 -1. This left the children in 2nd place on goal difference and meant they played Tower Road B again in the Semi Final. This was the 1st match Kirton played on the outside pitch. The mild night and fresh air worked to their advantage as they notched up a huge 6 – 1 win!!

This win meant Kirton were through to the final against Tower Road A. As the half time whistle blew Tower Road were winning 2 -0 but a great 2nd half display they pulled off a stunning comeback, at one point the team were leading 4 -3. But unfortunately conceded late and the match finished 4 – 4. This sent an already exciting final into golden goal (first team to score wins) and after another exciting and I’m sure agonising (for the teachers) 5 minutes play Kirton scored and won the tournament.

They have now qualified for a regional hockey tournament on the 27th of June. A major well done to the whole team who played fantastic hockey throughout the tournament!! A real credit to the school! Credit must be given to Middlecott School especially Mr Haslam and the referees for organising a fantastic tournament.


Kirton Town Under 12’s have continued their good form this month taking 6 out of 6 points in the league. By picking up a 3 – 2 win away at Hykeham Tigers and then winning the return fixture 3 – 0. This Sunday they travelled to St Helens and won 5 – 0 !! This means they remain 2nd in the league also remain 7 points behind leaders Holbeach
FC Kirton ended February in fashion with a 5 – 2 win over Spalding Town Reserves. However they couldn’t carry form into March as their opening game of the month they lost 4 – 0 to Park United, there most recent match was against the Admiral Nelson from Boston, this ended as a 0 – 0 draw and leaves them 11th with 14 points in the Boston Taylors Services Garage League.

Kirton Town Reserves played Swinshead Reserves in the Willoughby Cup on the 3rd of March. When the final whistle blew it ended 2 -2 and unfortunately Kirton Town conceded 2 extra time goals and were knocked out of the tournament. This weekend they looked to bounce back and did with a 3 0 – win over Wainfleet United Reserves. This will leaves them 3rd in the league a point behind Queens Rangers and 7 behind leaders Old Dons Reserves.

Pub Sports

Big congratulations to Roger Mason (Black Bull A) and Liam Carpmail (Kirton Leisure) for getting through to the semi finals of the Captains cup. They will be joined by Gary Willis (Sportsman) and Terry Martin (Fosdyke Sports B) in the Semi Final and Final which will be played on one night at the Golden Fleece in Wigtoft, Good Luck to you both!!

Remember if you want me to report on your team contact me at Shaun_paul2007@hotmail.co.uk.

We are Kirton Colts, and we’re real
‘Hot Shots’!

My name is Tyler Freeman-Burdass and I am the proud captain of Kirton Town Colts U12. Our team has been at Kirton for the past three years.  We play our home matches at Graves Park on Sundays, kick off time 10.45am. Everyone is welcome to come down to watch and pop in for a drink after. Our team has worked very hard to climb its way up the league table; at the moment we are second in the mid-lincs U12B.

If anyone is interested in sponsoring us it would help a lot - please get in touch.  Our managers are Jamie Dawson and Lee Burdass: tel: 07776 306080.  We train every Wednesday evening 5.45 - 7pm (weather depending) at Graves Park.

Team Players: Tyler Freeman-Burdass, Josh McClean, Sam Melson, Will Flinders, Alex Pexton, Conner Eyes, Ellis Wakefield, George Lilley, Harry Lynch, Jack Bunce, Joe Dawson, Nick Benton, Callum Houlden.
It is a great bunch of lads who love playing football. If there are any talented footballers who fancy playing next season come down to our training sessions on a Wednesday evening.

Kirton Kids Club

The Club was open for the half term holiday and the children had some great activities to keep them busy and happy. These included making cupcakes and decorating them – they formed a cupcake tower which was quite impressive!

But naturally – they ate some and took some home to show off their baking skills.
There was also aeroplane design and flying which culminated in flying competitions and prizes for the furthest flight measured.

The children also designed and made their own costumes all out of kitchen goodies. There was a trip to Play Towers, drawing competitions, doughnut making, outside play, sports, bird feeders and lots, lots more!

The week ended with the children making and serving their own lunch.
They set the tables with clothes, cutlery, glasses and plates and flowers were put in the middle to make it look very much ‘Kids Club Restaurant’.

The children prepared and served the food – puff pastry pizzas, healthy wedge potatoes, salad and beans all of which they made or prepared themselves.
The meal went down a treat and the children thoroughly enjoyed this activity and plans for another ‘meal’ will be put into the Easter holiday sessions.
The Kids Club is now offering longer days during the holiday sessions while still offering the shorter day too.

This we hope will enable more parents and carers the chance to take advantage of our childcare session not just term time but holiday sessions too.
For more information, dates, times and prices please go to www.kirtonkidsclub.co.uk or via the link on the Primary School website. Or phone 07583 762072.

This spring the children are getting very involved with the ‘Growing to eat’ activity. They enjoyed the fruits of their labour last year in a small way with strawberries, salad leaves and tomatoes.

This year however – with the backing of Boston Borough Council, we will be setting fruits trees and growing all sorts of vegetables, herbs and flowers.
The children have already helped make ‘plant boxes’ and set them up with flowers and herbs and they are making a diary of dates and plants that they have set and grown.

Already this year they have managed to ‘nurture’ tomato plants (still being kept warmand safe) and seeded potatoes that are ‘sleeping’ while gaining their chits ready for planting.

Everything they produce (apart from the flowers of course) will be included in recipes and goodies for the children to make and sample and their views recorded for their growing diary.

Any green fingered people out there, who have ideas or information they could give us that would help this activity would be more than welcome to come along to the club and give us your views on what we are doing.

Local man joins "Flame Academy"

Tuesday March 20th: Kirton News has just learnt that Martin Jessop, Master Baker and Co-Director of Jessop's Bakery in Kirton has been chosen as a bearer of the Olympic Flame for part of it's journey around Lincolnshire in June of this year.
Well done Martin; just recognition for all your fund raising efforts in the past. Look out for more details and an interview with Martin in our May edition!



Mrs. Fairweather says thank you

February saw the death of the popular and well-loved Brian Fairweather. Born, brought up and educated in Kirton he later established the business Brian Fairweather Autos. Kirton’s loss became Fishtoft’s gain.

Many of you reading this will have attended Brian’s funeral service at Boston ‘Stump’. The place was packed with relatives, friends and customers who heard a remarkably brave, poignant and (intentionally) amusing tribute paid to him by his brother Stephen.

I, personally, didn’t know the man, but reading, as I have, the draft of the eulogy, I deeply regret never having met him. Footballer; Golfer; Dancer; Knitter; and more, he was obviously a genuine ‘one-off’.
And “My Boy”, as his Mother, Joyce simply referred to him in our recent conversations. But this is Joyce’s piece. She has asked to use Kirton News to say a simple “Thank You”.

Thanks to all the people who attended the service and for their thoughts, prayers and good wishes given before, on the day and since.

Thanks for all the written notes and cards she has received. I visited Joyce at her (beautifully neat and welcoming) home recently and every available flat surface groaned with tributes paid; the living room heady with the scent of flowers.

Thanks to the Staff of the Cancer Ward at Pilgrim Hospital and to all those involved in Brian’s care and treatment.

Thanks to Stephen, Susan and all the family who have been her “Rocks” when she has needed them most.

Thanks to all who have been there for her - you know who you are.
And thanks to Brian for being 'My Boy' and he always will be.


Get well soon David!

The Kirton News Committee would like to say 'get well soon' to David Hilton and send him their best wishes. David suffered a heart attack last month and was admitted to the Glenfield Hospital in Leicester but is now home and making a good recovery. David, along with his wife Sylvia were Editors of the Kirton News for many years and now involve themselves with the proof reading and recording of the magazine onto audio tapes for the blind.


Sutterton Surgery Society 200 Club

TCan we please remind members whose subscriptions are due for the APRIL DRAW to please pay by the first week in April to help with the preparation of the Draw.
It would really assist us with collection of monies if members could possibly pay 3 months or more subscriptions.
For Non Members there is a waiting list to join our 200 Club names can be added to this list in the Surgery Reception.
The new extension to the Surgery has now been started,we ask you to please be as patient as possible whilst these works are in progress, the end result will be a really improved Surgery for all of us. Winning ticket numbers for February are as follows:-

February 2012 Winners

Once again A BIG THANK YOU for all your continuing support!


Coach trip to the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire

Thank you to everyone who responded to my last notice in the village magazine.
The coach will be departing Kirton Town Hall on: 28th June 2012 at 09:00hr and E.T.R. Kirton Town Hall 18 00hr.

The Coach is now full so if any one finds they are unable to make the trip, please let me know as soon as possible as I now have a waiting list. P.S Would a Mr or Mrs Lenton please contact me on 722501, as I seem to have the wrong telephone number for you. Many thanks


What’s on at Kirton Library

A very Happy Easter & a BIG thank you for all the lovely comments made to us on Feb 4th National Libraries Day. The Heart shaped post-its looked wonderful

Easter Fun for 5 – 11year olds on Thursday 12th April
10.30am – 12pm , Tickets 60p, book now

Story time: Tuesday 24th April
10.30 am – 11am

Author of the Month:
‘Farm boy’ by Michael Morpurgo is the sequel to War Horse, a story which has received acclaimed success and has transcended into theatre and silver screen. Originally published in 1997, ‘Farm boy’ follows a young lad on holiday on a farm in Devon, where he discovers how different farming was when his grandfather was a boy. His Grandpa tells the story of his own father’s best horse Joey and how that horse was sent to pull guns in World War I.

A really girly treat ‘Divas Don’t Knit’ by Gil McNeil, book 1 in a series of 3. A funny and uplifting book that plunges Jo Mackenzie through 3 of the most stressful activities you can do standing up. This book has humour flying between pages and leaves you with an overwhelming desire
to knit.

Library Opening Hours:
Tuesday 10-5pm, Thursday 1-7pm, Saturday 10-1pm
Contact: Tel: 01522 782010 or Email kirton.library@lincolnshire.gov.uk


The Grandest House in Town (Boston)

Fydell House of Boston is host to a variety of activities such as classes for education such as all levels of French, Spanish for beginners, English Literature and History complimenting our leisure classes Ti Chi, Meditation and Hip Hop/Street Dancing for children more information on these classes can be found on our web site, www.fydellhouse.org.uk or 01205 351520.

Rooms in this historic building are also available for hire for any celebration such as parties, fundraisers, weddings within the house or parties, receptions held in our beautiful intimate garden.

Fydell House is located in South Square which is the cultural quarter of Boston and has been proudly standing there since the seventeen hundreds becoming Fydell House in 1726 when Joseph Fydell put his name on the Grandest House in Town.
You have an invitation to come and learn more, sit in the garden with some refreshment or listen to a talk there is always something interesting at Fydell House.  


Parish Council Emergency Plan

The Parish Council are currently in the process of completing a Parish Emergency Plan in conjunction with Sutterton and Algarkirk Parish Councils.

The emergency plan is primarily to provide back-up and welfare assistance to the emergency services in times of severe circumstances – i.e.: storms, flooding etc.
The Parish Council already have some volunteers who are willing to help; however, any further assistance is always welcomed.

If you are able to provide any help in the following areas please contact the Clerk on 01205 460618 or belindabuttery@hotmail.com.

Could you help fill sand bags or distribute them if flooding was a possibility? If residents need to be evacuated because of some form of emergency, could you help with the evacuation or give your time to provide meals and drinks? Do you have any form of equipment that might be of help – chainsaw and/or vehicle to clear fallen trees; generator to provide electricity? Would you be willing to help out at neighbouring parishes if they also had a need?

Local Policing

Hello to all from the Boston rural west neighborhood policing team! I am sending out this message to alert you all to the on going problem that is arson. There have been four fires since 09/03/12, the first being on 9th at Frampton Fen, it was brought to our attention at 0316 by a passing police patrol and went on to burn right through the day till the following morning.

The second was was on 10/03/12 at 1442 and was located at Kirton Holme, there was a witness that saw a male and has given a description to the police for this incident which has helped us immensely. The next incident was reported to us at 2306 on 12/03/12 and was located in the Wyberton Fen area and the final incident was discovered in Kirton Holme and three bales of hay have been set alight. A witness to this incident has stated he saw two vehicles with 'loud exhausts' drive away at speed towards the A52. This incident was called in at 0020 on 14/03/12. 

Given the fact that all three incidents have taken place in rural areas and no one has been identified we urge all members to keep a keen eye out for anyone looking suspicious around the rural areas. We ask all farmers to keep an close eye on their stray/hay bails that are kept out in the open. Incidents of this nature can cause significant damage to farmers property as well as being dangerous to people, animals and property that is close by.
If anything suspicious is seen can members call 101 to report it unless a fire it witnessed and then please call 999!

David McPherson Support, PCSO NC28
Boston Rural West, Kirton Police Station

The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

29/01/2012 - Heidi Jade Dawson
05/02/2012 - Bethany Burton
05/02/2012 - Jaxxon Lee Robert Rush
05/02/2012 - Jessica Joan Fidlin
05/02/2012 - Travis Tyler Richardson
26/02/2012 - Scarlett Louise Ponton

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

no weddings this month

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

20/02/2012 - Mr David Lynch



The magazine committee wish to say ‘Thank-you’ for the following donations which are much appreciated:-

Mrs B.....................£10

Donations for the magazine may be taken into Fossitt & Thorne (The Green),
enclosed in an envelope.